​Mill Creek Sportsmen's Association in Lancaster, PA

1877 Windy Hill Road - Lancaster, PA 17602 - Phone: 717-393-6416



Outdoor Shooting Range Rules
There are three Outdoor Range Distances - 100 yards, 50 yards, and 25 yards.

The 100 and 50-yard ranges must be shot at from the M.C.S.A. pavilion area only! No one may walk past the front post of the pavilion until EVERYONE in the pavilion gives the OK and the Safety Flag is flown.

 Anyone going down range must fly the orange flag provided to signify cease-fire.
 You must provide your own targets on the Outdoor Ranges. (Note: Bring clothespins to hang targets)

Proof of membership must be shown at ALL times. (WE DO ASK - do not be offended)

  1. Monday thru Saturday NO shooting before 8 AM.
  2. Sunday - NOshooting before 12 Noon.
  3. All shooting must cease ½ hour before Dusk or PGC Hunting Hours - Times Posted at range.
  4. Paper targets only (DO NOT hang targets on the support posts, use the chicken wire and clips).
  5. The use of bottles and cans is strictly forbidden.
  6. Positively NO full automatic handguns or rifles.
  7. NO alcoholic beverages are allowed on ranges.
  8. You have ½ hour to shoot when people are waiting.
  9. Be courteous to others on the range at all times.
  10. Remove targets and put all waste in designated containers when you are done.
  11. Respect others and MCSA club property.
  12. NO rapid fire is allowed. (Please count at least 1 second in between shots)
  13. Pick up empty brass, steel, etc., and put it in the specific bucket.
  14. Put ALL live rounds or misfires in the DUD Box.
  15. All muzzles must be pointed at the backstop or ground when loading or while loaded (never in the air).
  16. All actions must be open and visible on the line when anyone is downrange.
  17. The use of clay birds or any moving targets is strictly forbidden except at club-sanctioned events.
  18. All large caliber rifles on the bench must be fired through the shooting tubes provided.
  19. The ranges will be closed on the third Tuesday at 7 PM (for monthly members' meeting).
  20. NO shooting on any ranges when the club is rented or there is any non-shooting function.
  21. NO shooting when the ‘RANGE CLOSED" signs are displayed.
  22. NOFirearms should be touched or handled in any way while anyone is downrange.


  1. NO Magnum or Hot Loads may be used.
  2. There will be a Range Safety Officer on duty or the range will be closed.
  3. All Range Commands will be obeyed at all times.
  4. All Muzzles in the Firing Line must be pointed downrange at all times, never in the air
  5. All Firearms on the Line of Fire must have actions open and visible when not in use.
  6. Anyone not able to hit their target will be referred to a class schedule for training.
  8. NO Firearms should be touched or handled in any way while anyone is downrange.


ANYONE using handguns on the Outdoor Range and/or our Indoor Range:

Everyone MUST QUALIFY with one of M.C.S.A.’s Range Officers before shooting a pistol on Association property.

NOTE: We will ask to see your member card, as well as your instructor, signed M.C.S.A RANGE QUALIFICATION card if you are shooting a pistol and it has been a recent qualification. (WE DO ASK) - so please display your member card at all times while on the property.

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Mill Creek Sportsmen's Association
1877 Windy Hill Road
Lancaster, PA 17602